Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The First Class Is Over

It doesn't seem possible but Fundamentals and Safety class finished on Tuesday. We have successfully turned a 9600 and a 7720 into a pile of parts. We have discovered that you can use these precision "C" clamps in our toolboxes to actually measure things very accurately and averaged 90% on the final micrometer test. We can look at cap screws and identify their size by sight. We can recognize many TLA (Three Letter Acronyms) and we even know how to turn on Service ADVISOR. Thirty nine students come back every day! Sounds like success to me!
 Now it’s time to start Implement class.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fundamentals and Safety Class

We are nearing the end of the first class and we have been busy learning about fasteners, fire extinguishers, micrometers and torque wrenches. We have been driving new tractors and moving wheels. We also have successfully turned two combines into a large pile of parts.

This is the 7.6L engine from the 9600 combine. We needed to make sure it ran and had oil pressure for Tri-State. We used a harness for an 8.1L engine that we made during last years engine class just to make it run and all we got was uncontrolled RPM. Rodney is regulating the speed by limiting the air. A lot of fuel and limited air equals a lot of smoke.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome To A New Instructor

We would like to welcome Matt Johnson as a new instructor to the John Deere Tech program. He graduated from the John Deere Tech program in 2000 and has been working as a technician at Decorah Implement since 1998. He has worked with several students at the dealership and has achieved the John Deere Master Technician Certification. We welcome his current product knowledge and enthusiasm. If you get a chance stop in and welcome him to the team.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Let The Fun Begin

We finally got to lab and started taking apart the combines. We are also working with the new tractors and learning about safety. Service ADVISOR is becoming our new best friend!