Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Implement Class 2017

Time is flying by! We have just completed the second class with the students that started in August. We had some fun at Fall Fest and then we learned about sprayers, balers, planters and AutoTrac. Here are some pictures.

John Deere Tech!!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Fundamentals and Safety 2017

We got the Class of 2019 off to a great start this week. After a few days of sitting in the classroom we have introduced the group to a little safety, metric conversions and John Deere WBTs (Web Based Training). We have a 9600 combine to part out this year so let the fun begin.

John Deere Tech Calmar!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

2017 Graduation

Well another year has past and it is time to say goodbye and good luck to another class. It seems like only yesterday that this group started but two years have passed and its time they move on to new adventures. Congratulations to the Class of 2017

Sunday, June 11, 2017

National PAS AMSTA Results

Eight of our students competed in a group of 36 students at the Iowa PAS Ag Machinery Service Technician Awards (AMSTA) competition at Fort Dodge in December. Six of our students (3 Teams) qualified to compete at National PAS AMSTA competition in St. Charles, Missouri. Twenty-three teams from across the nation competed in a competition that involved a written test, parts identification, measuring and several lab stations. The students represented us very well.
1st place individual- Dakota Kalis
2nd place individual- Brian Remington
1st place team- Dakota and Brian
3rd place individual- Garrett Thompson
6th place individual- James Bearbower
2nd place team- Garrett and James
12th place individual- Luke Asche
13th place individual- Logan Clancy
7th place team- Luke and Logan

 Brian and Dakota

 Garrett and James
Logan and Luke
John Deere Tech!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Russell 4045

Russell had the green 4045 this year. This is a sweet running little engine.

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Hunter and James Silver Bullet

Hunter and James had the "Silver Bullet" 10.5L this year. We put this engine under the new jib hoist as well. They worked with the neighboring  crew on the 12.5L to verify the wiring harness and ran their engine with it as well. The water pump decided it was done this year as well. Everyone loves a big chrome pipe!!

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Ethan and Amy 8.1L

Goldilocks lives again! Amy and Ethan had this 8.1L electronically controlled  inline engine. Every year it gets a little cleaner. They had a little injector issue but in the end it ran very well.

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Levi and Dakota 13.5L

This was the year that we decided that we would do the 13.5L engine that we have had for a few years. It had a rod and crank issue and some problems with the timing gears. Dakota and Levi took on this challenge knowing that the mechanical issues would be the easy part. They started working on the electronics in February by starting with a controller and then building a CAN bus system. The electrical project involved mornings before class and any other free time. It has developed into a hybrid system with combine controllers, a 9L fuel pump and various other used and new parts. In am expecting RPM as soon as we figure out what a matrix has to do with the engine speed.

Spare parts!!

John Deere Tech!!

Sam and Josh 8.1L HPCR

Sam and Josh had a 8.1L HPCR engine and they also took on the challenge to build a wiring harness. This is the other half of the not so pretty but it works team. If they had a little more time it would have looked as well as it worked. They had a little injector issue that got them some diagnostic time.

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Brian and Garrett 9.0L

Brian and Garrett also had a Tier 3-9L. When they were finished with the engine they also were challenged with a wiring harness. Wiring diagrams were the highlight of there day for many days. They worked with their classmates and the 4 of them combined their efforts for a successful adventure. Make sure you notice the IVT transmission shift lever that is being used for a throttle. Dual channel hall effect potentiometer right Garrett?

John Deere Tech!!

Kevin and Nash 9.0L

Nash and Kevin worked on a Tier 3-9L for their engine project. When their engine was done they were challenged with building a complete wiring harness. That turned out to be a larger challenge than time allowed so we combined forces with the neighbors and each of the 4 students took a section of the harness that they were responsible for. In the end success!

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Kyle and AJ 8.1L HPCR

Kyle and AJ also took on a wiring challenge this year with their 8.1L HPCR engine. They were part of a team that built a complete harness. It may not be pretty but it works!



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Matt and Luke

Matt and Luke had the 466 mechanical inline pump this year. This is a 4440 engine with a different pump on it. They found the big muffler for it but it didn't last very long.


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Kollin and Nathan 12.5L

Kollin and Nathan got to use the new jib crane this year for their 12.5L. They verified their wiring harness and used the Picoscope to determine the settings for the pulse width modulated throttle. It had a bit of a miss when it first started so they also got to practice their diagnostic skills as well.



John Deere Tech!!!

Logan and Nolan 6068

Logan and Nolan did the 6068 combine engine. This is a Tier 3 four-valve engine with quite a collection of electronic components. The harness for this one came with some pre-installed electrical issues from last year so they also got several hours of schematic training.

Lucas and Corey 9.0L

Lucas and Corey had the first 9.0L to run. They also took on a wiring harness challenge. They used an engine harness and built a harness to connect the engine controller and the armrest controller. After several days of wiring schematics and more wire connectors they got it to run.

I'm sure that connector is in there somewhere!



John Deere Tech!!

Marcus 4045

Marcus got an engine that we tore down for the first time this year. We have a pair of these on one crate and that is a good thing. He needed to combine parts from 2 of them and clean up a crankshaft to get one to work. It had been setting for several years and it had some new parts in it. We thought that we were going to have to take his injection pump apart but we got lucky. He borrowed a turbo to run it because everyone needs a turbo. :)

John Deere Tech!!

Nathan and Chris 7.6L

Chris and Nathan had the famous "666" engine this year. The crankshaft is actually straightening itself. It only has about .006" bend these days. It sounds great as always but it seems to have developed an unusual noise as it is shut off this year???



John Deere Tech!!!

Greg and Alex 8.1L

Greg and Alex rebuilt the 8.1L with the electronically controlled "P" pump. They verified the wiring harness and repaired it before they started it.


John Deere Tech!!

Eric and Luke 8.1L HPCR

Eric and Luke may have had the first engine running this year but they were challenged to build a wiring harness. We ordered some connectors, got down the pallet of wiring harnesses and they went to work. After a couple stressful days they were successful. Never mind that little knocking noise in the back ground its just a little help from a little classmate that needs a little attention.

John Deere Tech!!

Mitch 4045

Mitch tore down an engine that needed a little repair. It had a broken injection pump aneroid and rod bearings that were nearly spun. We installed a different injection pump that had the pumping plungers stuck. Don't let the hammer show fool you though because we had to disassemble the pump and use lacquer thinner and the hammer to free the plungers.


John Deere Tech!!

Blake And Austin 8.1L HPCR

Blake and Austin were the first to run this year with this 8.1L HPCR. They had a little issue with a "sticky" injector but that gave them an opportunity to diagnose the problem. A little heat from a lighter on the coolant temp sensor and we were able to complete the Interactive Tests with Service ADVISOR 5 to pinpoint the problem.

John Deere Tech!!!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Engine Class 2017

We have engines out of the rack and in many pieces. Cleaning and measuring is keeping everyone entertained. We have 4.5L, 7.6L, 8.1L, 9.0L, 10.5L, 12.5L and 13.5L engines apart this year eighteen in all. Here are some pictures.

John Deere Tech!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Consumer Products/Engines Class

CP class is well underway. We have been playing with little toys before we start the big projects in Engine class next month. We have been taking apart small engines, setting valves, timing fuel pumps and connecting wires. Here are some videos.


John Deere Tech

Monday, January 23, 2017

John Deere Information Technology

Information Technology class this year was a challenge for all of us. Service ADVISOR 5 standalone had just been released and we loaded 32 new computers with the new software. We also added some emissions training to the class this year. The lab offered experiences on Final Tier 4 equipment using Service ADVISOR 5. Near the end of the class the students tested online for John Deere Service ADVISOR Certification and all were successful. We wrapped up the class with presentations. Here are some pictures.

Implement Class

Splicing belts, programing guidance systems, calibrating sprayers and testing row units kept everyone busy during John Deere Implement class again this year.