Saturday, February 16, 2013

Engine Class begins

We finished playing with the little toys last weeks and we started digging out the big engines. We have 19 engines to tear down this year from old to new. The smallest is also the oldest. It is a 270 cu. in. four cylinder that we hope to improve the 3010 with. We also have some 466's and of course the famous "666" 7.6L. There are a couple 6.8L's and then a new 24 valve 6.8 Tier 3. Several 8.1 HPCR engines are also is the mix including the one someone last year labeled "Junkyard Dog II" and a fresh one from a 8020 series tractor. Of course we dream about RPM from the 9.0L Tier 3 but we will see. I saved the biggest for last and that would be the 10.5L and the 12.5L. Keep checking back for more pictures. Click on the picture for more.