Sunday, February 3, 2013

State AMSTA Contest

The PAS Agricultural Machinery Service Technician Contest was held last Tuesday at Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo.

We had a run off test to see who would have the opportunity to compete. The following people qualified to compete at state: Andrew Gissel, Joshua Wittrock, Brandon Gaul, Brenden Christensen, Devin Cole,  Brandon Ubben, Brent Swieter and Nicholas Gross.

Twelve teams from around the state were competing for an opportunity to go to national competition. The contest started at 9am and lasted until 2pm and involved a written test, parts identification and four diagnostic projects. Josh Wittrock and Andrew Gissel finished in second place and Brandon Gaul and Brenden Christensen finished in third place. Both teams will represent NICC at national competition Louisville, KY in March.

Good Job!

 Brent Swieter and Nick Gross
Brandon Ubben and Devin Cole  
Brandon Gaul and Brenden Christensen 

 Andrew Gissel and Josh Wittrock